Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pilgrimage To The Other:

Anyone who has expenses for Hajj but was not able to discharge its own, whether because of illness or old age, he should send someone to perform Hajj for him based on the hadith Al-Fadli bin Abbas: That a woman had asked the Prophet Khath'am Prophet: "O Messenger of Allah, Allah has upon His servants obligate pilgrimage, I find that my father was too old and can not survive on the vehicle, may I perform Hajj for him?" He s.a.w. replied: "Yes."

This is the opinion of Imam Shafi `i, Imam Ahmad and Imam Abu Hanifah and the opinion of Imam Malik: Not required. Hajj is not obligatory fall on the sick will recover after the Hajj pilgrimage to her successor, and he must repeat the Hajj. According to the opinion of Imam Ahmad was the obligatory fall when he recovered from illness. Anyone who has performed the Hajj but he vows not the obligatory pilgrimage, Hajj will be considered the obligatory Hajj pilgrimage to be had of his vow. Anyone who died before perform Hajj, or vow Hajj, guardians ought to hire someone to perform Hajj for him from the property and this legacy is the opinion of Denominations and Sects Syafie Hambali.

While the opinions of Hanafi and Maliki are:

To dilever Hajj is not compulsory heir to the deceased unless the deceased has mewasiatkannya and let him perform the Hajj for the deceased (with shopping) one-third of legacy assets.

People who want to perform the Hajj for the people is required:
Has performed the Hajj for themselves whether or not his power. This is based on the history of Ibn 'Abbas: Allah's Messenger saw had heard a man say: "I have fulfilled the call to Syabramah.": Then he saw He said: "Do you have your own pilgrimage?" He replied: "No". He s a.w. said: "Hajj pilgrimage to yourself, then do the pilgrimage to Syabramah."

The Hajj Women

Women are not obliged to perform Hajj until she has a husband or a mahram that can accompany him on his way based on the hadith of Ibn Abbas reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah said: "The woman can not travel except with a Marham." A leleaki have stood up and said: "O Messenger of Allah, my wife was out for pilgrimage and I was assigned to the battle?" LaluBaginda s.a.w. He said: "Go and do Hajj with your wife."
According to the opinion of Hanafi and Hanbali sect, putting both conditions:
Women who can not go out (to perform Hajj) except with a husband or a mahram.

According to Shafi `i madhhab opinion:

Provided with a husband or a mahram or a few females that Grand Schools have (reliable) and believes there is enough that the Grand Schools have only one woman.

According to the Maliki opinion:

Women who are allowed out to perform Hajj accompanied by a woman who is believed to condition the distance between her and Makkah is the trip for one day and one night when a woman violates these terms and accompanied the pilgrimage without a husband or a mahram, his Hajj be valid, but he sin.

Request Permission To Husband PILGRIM:

The husband can not prevent his wife from the obligatory Hajj and Hajj Pilgrimage dinazarkan while he may prevent her circumcision. Women must be accompanied by a mahram mahram or expense while traveling with her husband is not required.

When a woman's menstruation or childbirth, he was allowed to do all the things done by the Haj but could not do Tawaf of the House, according to the hadith of 'A'ishah said: "I arrived at Mecca while menstruating, and I did not do Tawaf, whether the House, or between Safa and Marwah. " He added: "I have submitted it to the Prophet and he said:" Do as was done by people doing Tawaf of Hajj, but not the House, so you have the sacred. "

When a woman's menstruation or childbirth before the Arrival Tawaf vain do the job and he was not charged anything. When a woman's menstruation or childbirth before performing Tawaf Tawaf, he must remain in Ihram until it has been good and can perform Tawaf. If a woman is doing Tawaf while her menses, Tawaf is not valid according to the opinion of the Maliki, Shafi `i sect and sect Hambali, while the opinion of the Hanafi school is legitimate, but disapproved of Tawaf which led to illegal and he is also guilty and liable Badanah (a Dam camel or a cow). When a woman's menstruation or childbirth after Tawaf Ifadah he does not need to do Tawaf Wida '.

Hajj Rituals of Childhood (Children):

Children are not obliged to perform Hajj, but if he is doing, Hajj is considered valid, but not getting paid the obligatory Hajj.

It is narrated that a woman has raised a child (to show) to the Prophet said: "Is (the child) can perform Hajj?" He s.a.w. replied: "Yes, and you get a reward."
Jabir r.a. he said: "We have been on pilgrimage with the Prophet peace be upon him, and together we are women and children, we have Talbiah for our children has also been throwing to them."
When children reach the age of pilgrimage before (puberty), he is obliged to perform Hajj when they reach the age as well as a slave, when the pilgrimage when he was freed a slave, her duty to perform Hajj if she has the ability to do so.

Ibn Abbas r.a. said: "Allah's Messenger said:" Any child who performs Hajj and then he attains puberty, her duty to perform Hajj again. Any slave who performs Hajj and then been freed, his duty to perform Hajj again. "

When a child has his own mumayyiz may intend Ihram and perform Hajj, if you do not intend to be his guardian mumayyiz Ihram and Talbiah him, took him to do Tawaf and Sai, wukuf in Arafah and threw pebbles on his behalf. If a child until the age (puberty) before wukuf in Arafah or when to be there, Hajinya considered obligatory Hajj.

Imam Malik is of the opinion:
Not considered obligatory Hajj.

Hanafi opinion:
Regarded as obligatory if she renewed the faith Ihram after puberty.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Tamattu ':

Tamattu 'is' Umrah during the months of Hajj, then Hajj in the same year, in which the intention of ihram during Hajj pilgrims intent on "Tamattu'." After that he intended to perform Umrah and the pilgrimage as described separately as follows. He should say: Which means: (I have responded to the call to perform Umrah and wanted to do Tamattu '), O Lord! Indeed I intend to perform Umrah, then make easy to me, Umrah, accept from me, only I perform Umrah and the pilgrimage to it as God Almighty. And Talbiah.When he reached the Mecca al-Mukarramah pilgrims go to the House of al-Haram and perform Tawaf around the Kaaba seven times, then circumambulate between Safa and Marwa seven times, then the tahlul from Ihram with shaving or shortening. Pilgrims continue to be until the day until Tahallul Tarwiah on 8 Dhul-Hijjah in which the pilgrims will be intending Hajj Ihram from the place he came down and said:
 "I will answer Your Call for Hajj, O Lord, I want to perform Hajj, then make easy to me, then accept the Hajj from me, only I perform the Hajj pilgrimage to it as God Almighty. Your call Have I fulfilled my Lord, have I fulfilled the call , I have fulfilled the call, my Lord, no allies Thee. Have I fulfilled the call, for praise, the joy and the government is yours, no allies Thee. "O Lord, my hair and lawful, and all my componen, my body from perfume, women, and of all things You forbit on the pilgrimage, I expect your help, O Lord of the Worlds. "
Next he pilgrimage as the Hajj pilgrims Ifrad, but he has to pay to enjoy the dam as Umrah during the months of Hajj as the words of Allah: Meaning: "He who wants to enjoy the convenience of doing."
Umrah (and continue to enjoy it) until the time (do) the Hajj, (may he do so then He must) sacrifice whatever is available. People who have been doing Tawaf Umrah during the Hajj Tamattu 'no longer working for the Arrival Tawaf Haji even after the first Tahallul he should do and circumambulate Tawaf Tawaf between Safa and Marwah for Hajj in the opinion of majority of scholars. However, the Hanafi school, for the Hajj pilgrims Tamattu 'that would not be (getting) the animal, but if it had been brought (to get) the animal, the same law as the law


Qiran is gathered between the Hajj and Umrah in one way journey (once gone). Pilgrims intending Hajj and Umrah with a determined intention of Dhul said: Which means: "I have met the call to perform Hajj and Umrah."
When the Hajj pilgrim enters Qiran Mecca, he made circumambulation of the House seven times the children ran in three first round and then proceeded to circumambulate between Safa and Marwa in the next islamic Hanafi for pilgrims perform Hajj jobs as Ifrad while adequate for the majority of the pilgrims who make a pilgrimage Qiran Tawaf (seven times) and one Sa `(seven rounds) only because of the Tawaf and Sa` Umrah, which is also regarded as Tawaf and Sai Pilgrimage of Umrah Ihram till he and Haji simultaneously.


Ifrad the Ihram for Hajj only (a separate pilgrimage) in which the pilgrim is intended only in Dhul Hajj pilgrimage to be determined later said: Which means: "My Lord, I want to perform Hajj, so me and accept worship simplyfy my Hajj .
So Talbiah. Upon entering Mecca, pilgrims began to do the work in the Hajj in the Holy Mosque which pilgrims to see the House and say glorify and exalt ilaaha LA so do not the people of Mecca for Tawaf of Arrival Tawaf around the House seven times while closing the left shoulder and ran- three children fled in the first round.
How is recommended in the majority of the Maliki and compulsory.The people of Mecca can not do the Tawaf. After completion of the Arrival Tawaf, Sai also made between Safa and Marwa seven times. Then continue to be in Mecca in the pilgrimage. Upon arriving the day he left for Mina Tarwiah and be there until the end of Morning Prayer the day of Arafah. After it was left to Arafat and to be there and prayed Zuhr and Asr prayers at Noon (Plural Taqdim). After the sun sank pilgrims began Sacrifice (outstanding) to arrive at Muzdalifah and Maghrib and 'Isha' prayer. When the sun rose on the day of Nahar (Feast of Sacrifice), pilgrims Sacrifice (supply) more to Mina, then start throwing. Talbiah no longer called upon the commencement of the first pass. Then slaughtered the sacrifice if you want to do so thus shaving or shortening the find, so pilgrims
assigned all the things forbidden during the pilgrimage unless women (sexual intercourse).
After the pilgrims return to Mecca and perform Tawaf of the House as a pilgrimage circumambulation seven times and then circumambulate between Safa and Marwah, if not to Sa after the Arrival Tawaf. Upon completion may circumambulate and his Ihram and lawful women (sexual intercourse). Haj pilgrims return to Mina and stay there until the end of the throwing three jamrah whether pilgrims who want to quickly rush home or still have a lot of time.After that the pilgrims return to Mecca and perform Tawaf Wida '.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Definition of Hajj:

Law and Evidence : Obligatory Hajj once in a lifetime of every Muslim, whether male or female.

Evidence from the Qur'an:

Word of God: Which means: And God requires people to perform Hajj to the House of anyone who could reach him, and those who deny (deny is the duty of Hajj), then surely Allah is Rich (does not need anything) of all beings.
God has obligatory Hajj in the ninth and migration of the Prophet Muhammad never performed Hajj except the Farewell Pilgrimage.

Evidence from the Hadith:

Rasulullah saw said: "Islam is built upon five pillars." He s.a.w.Among these are mentioned in the Hajj. Rasulullah saw says: "There is no reward for Hajj mabrur except Paradise." Rasulullah saw says: "Those who perform Hajj and never fucks his wife would not disobey him again pure as the day he was born." Sawyang Prophet says: "O people, all that Allah swt memfardhukan pilgrimage to you, so you must perform the Hajj." Then he saw a man asked: "Is it mandatory for each year worked, O Prophet?" He s.a.w. just be quiet until the man then asked the third time he sawreplied: "If I say yes, then you must do every year, so when you do pilgrimage to it."
All the priests agreed that Hajj is obligatory, but it is the fifth pillar of Islam and it is obligatory to be done as soon as possible.

Haji jobs that must be done and it is decisive for the Hajj whether valid or not and is not obligated to pay when leaving Dam. Mass is also considered as peacefully and conditions. All sects agree on the obligatory and necessary in the Hajj. Jobs Haji Haji must be done even if the void left. Mass is also considered as a pillar of Hajj.

Matters in the obligatory Hajj consists of four aspects:

1 - Ihram.
2 - Standing in Arafat.
3 - Tawaf.
4 - Saie between Safa and Marwah.

All sects agree on the obligatory and necessary in the Hajj.
Matters required in the Hajj:
Required: Occupational Pilgrims must be done and must pay a dam where the death.

Matters required in the Hajj consists of four aspects:

1 - Ihram from Miqat.
2 - Standing in Arafat.
3 - Stay at Muzdalifah.
4 - Stay overnight in Mina.
5 - Shaving or shortening the hair and shave is Afdhal.
6 - Throwing all the pebbles.
7 - Farewell Tawaf

All sects agree on the obligatory and necessary in the Hajj.
Matters recommended in the Pilgrimage:
Things are encouraged to do so. People who do so will be earned with reward and those who leave will not be rewarded punishment.Circumcision, mandub, desirable and tatawwu 'is: A few words that have the same meaning.

Matters recommended in the Pilgrimage are:

1 - Bath circumcision Ihram.
2 - Talbiah.
3 - Perform Tawaf of Arrival of pilgrims Ifrad Qiran.
4 - Spending the night in Mina on the night of Arafat.
5 - Slow Run-away  manners when doing the Arrival Tawaf.